We have successfully assisted more than 350 students in their journey to enroll in over 90 colleges and universities. Together, they have secured over $4,000,000 in merit-based scholarships.
As you begin to think about supporting your high schooler’s journey toward college selection and acceptance, it’s important to be aware of some critical considerations. Most parents may not know their students' desire for their college experience; however, they shape their parental influence on the students' choices based on their college experience or perhaps even societal expectations. An experienced college counselor can often bridge the divide between parental expectations of what “ a great college selection” may look like and the ideal fit for the student based on their social norms, interests, and academic reality.
College counselors focus on three main areas to prepare students for their top university choices.
College acceptance is only getting more refined and stringent. At the top of a long list of subjective (yes, subjective) criteria is the rigor of classwork your student embraces. The days of GPA exclusively are over, and the real admissions inspection is the course rigor your student selects, embraces, and excels. Think AP or IB level class success as the benchmark for admissions standards for the top in-state and nationally recognized US News and World Report ranked schools.
Standardized Testing
Many college counselors believe that the ACT or SATs were never “test optional.” They are critical data points demonstrating a student’s grasp of core concepts they must study and understand at the university level and beyond. Admissions officers expect to see ACT or SAT results, and parents should seek help in preparing their students for the right test selection, the right preparation, and the right study approach to optimize their results.
Student Differentiation
University Admissions Counselors want to know what makes your student unique and how they might fit into the culture of their institution and contribute to their community. A college counselor will help the student prepare an authentic, heartfelt essay that truly demonstrates their character and values as young adults.
Many parents are unsure of when to begin evaluating college counselors to support their student’s journey. Some college counselors often schedule free initial consultations to help parents determine the right path for their students.